***NOTE: Due the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not currently able to host retreats outside of our official residency program. We hope to get back into the swing of hosting DIY creative retreats soon—in the meantime, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram for updates on retreat availability.
The Strange is a riverside mini compound in West Shokan, NY. Through our Decelerator residency and retreats, we provide an inspiring, deeply nourishing, and accessible experience to creative practitioners in need of time, space, and tranquility.
We have three private spaces—two fully equipped guest cabins, and a large renovated barn—which can together accommodate up to 10 overnight guests (click here to learn more about our space). Guests are required to arrange their own transportaion, bring their own groceries, and treat the space as a haven of positive, regenerative energy used solely for quiet enjoyment.
We offer sliding-scale community rates, and make it a priority to host BIPOC creative practitioners.
For individuals and groups interested in a private retreat at Strange HQ, email [email protected] for availability and rates.
"My retreat at The Strange was the perfect opportunity to create space—mentally, physically, psychically, and in my practice. Being in a place that was was both beautiful and comfortable, but also quiet and remote enabled me to tune into myself and my work rather than be distracted by all the 'must-dos' and 'should-dos' of day-to-day life. Set in the gorgeous Catskill Mountains, the barn itself was breathtaking and felt like a complete treat to occupy. I found myself doing things I hadn't had the chance to do in maybe years: read, think, go for meandering walks, and really tune into what I needed in each moment. The set-up was beautiful, with things that made my life easy such as ample outlets, ample sunlight, and immense desk space, and these small touches really made a difference as well."
— Kate McBride, co-founder of The Cauldron
"The retreat experience felt luxurious. The time, physical space, and the accommodations all felt abundant. Being away from city noise and constant interactions with other humans provided me with the mental space to get to a pure stage of reflection. That was a true blessing. It felt like not just NOT doing, but also undoing some really unhealthy habits that just had become everyday life."
— Boyuan Gao, co-founder of Project Inkblot
"It's my wish that everyone could experience a retreat like this one. Slowing down allows your mind and body to unravel and uncoil. I've taken pleasure in this process and really, there can be a lot of shame surrounding slowness and pleasure in a creative culture that prioritizes productivity. Moving forward, I want to always make time for this 1-2 week deceleration.
— Jessica Lynne, writer and co-founder of ARTS.BLACK
Teachers from the School for Poetic Computation pose by the pond after a group retreat at Strange HQ in the fall of 2018; students from the School for Poetic Computation seated in the barn for dinner in the spring of 2019. Read a thoughtful synopsis, and see more photos, of SFPC's retreat at Strange HQ here.
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